Monday, July 04, 2011

My favorite native delicacies..only from Mers

From Drop Box
Sweets and delicacies have long been part of Filipino tradition. Whenever there are celebrations, native delicacies are always part of a sumptuous feast. But if you are craving for some, there's one restaurant named Mers, located along Digos high way, could be the place to go. From their best seller which is bibingka, they also offered different varieties of treats like pastillas, salvaro, coconut balls, kalamay, maja blanca, ube, suman, moron, coconut cookies and a lot lot more. Their prices are also very reasonable. Also, aside from those delicacies, one of my favorite is their puto with dinuguan. If you happen to taste their dinuguan, maybe you would likely come back for more. I guess this is also one of the reason why people kept coming back to this restaurant. Even my daughter which is a picky eater happen to like it. So if you are looking for nice food trip..try Mers ( maybe about 30 minutes from Davao City ). Not only you can enjoy the yummy taste of their famous dinuguan and puto, but you can also bring home some native delicacies and share it to your loveones.


  1. Hi Misty, I have just added your blog to my roaster of blogs I follow. God bless, too, and happy blogging about Davao City!

  2. Wow, thank you so much..its an honor..I'm really new to this blogosphere thingy. Actually I'm still trying to learn. I admire your blog a lot..looks so professional. Keep up the good work Do :) and happy blogging too :)
