Friday, July 01, 2011

Mixed emotions

I just turned 38 yesterday..Yay!.. I am 38 with an exclamation point!..and to be brutally honest..that fact still did not sink in..I do not know if I am just in a denial stage because of the saying that says its all downhill for a woman after reaching the age 40..Awwwww..does that means it is also all downhill for me after two years?..Ugh! A friend of mine even jokingly suggested I should invest in a good skateboard for a smooth ride going downhill :).Oh well, I would rather choose to go downhill than going six feet below the ground anyway..But of course, aging is inevitable.. no matter who we are and what we do..there is no other way..we really grow old eventually. Well looking back..I do have few regrets, triumphs, tears, fun..its actually a smorgasbord of emotions anyway. I remember when I was young, where I used to read all about fairy tales book my mom gave me, my perception about life is so different. I used to dream of my prince charming sweeping off my feet, offering me the sun and the moon and we would live happily ever after..Gosh, I did not know I needed to have a reality check during those times where I viewed life with rose tinted glasses. It was too late to realize that prince charmings can really turn into deep ugly frogs. I did not know that in reality, there are piles of clothes and plates to wash, bills and tuition fees to pay and that my so called prince charming can easily replace me with a new princess in just a snap. Duh!..if only I was wiser then :)..With age really comes wisdom too..So I guess I do not need to be afraid of aging. I have learned a lot so far. I have also learned to accept the fact that I am perfectly imperfect. There are regrets yeah, but at the end of the day, I am really thankful for all the blessings God gave me. Having a very supportive family, close friends that are always ready to give a lending hand when I needed them, 2 kids that loves me a lot to the point of spoiling me with their hugs and kisses as well as unabashed "i love you mama"..Yes, mixed emotions are part of our existence and its part of us whether we are young or old..but the most important thing is living what our real purpose in life is.. "Carpe diem"..gather rosebuds while ye may..because we never know what lies ahead. :)

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