Thursday, July 07, 2011

Korean foodtrip

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I am a huge fan of spicy dishes and Korean cuisine is definitely a big yes for me. Recently, when my cousin and I had our usual moms day out sessions ( just to break the monotony of being a stay at home mom ), we decided to try Somang Kimchi Restaurant located along JP Laurel Ave., Davao City. It was our first time to dine at this restaurant and we were kind of curious and at the same time excited about it. It was past 11 am when we entered the place and not much diners were there, maybe just about 3 tables occupied. We find the place rather comfy though their air conditioners are not so cool enough for us. A lady then gave us the menu and we decided to order Ra Myun, a spicy Korean noodles with slices of rice cakes, eggs and veggies. We also ordered the Kimbap which is the Korean version of maki sushi.
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From Drop Box
Just before our main order arrived, their waitress first served us 5 different kinds of banchan ( appetizers ) which consists of kimchi, stir fried veggies, tofu, marinated sprouts and battered sweet potato served in little portions.
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From Drop Box
Their Ra Myun was really hot and spicy but not fiery enough to burn the palate. We also liked the noodles, it's firm and flavorful. The price is just right too, considering the many side dishes that they served. We just paid Php360 for all the food we consumed and whats more, they also served watermelon slices for dessert. All in all we did got value for our money and we went out the restaurant with our tummies and faces smiling :).
From Drop Box

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